Monday 4 January 2016

Job Hunting SUCKS

           I only played for about 1-2 weeks after A’s, before I realised that loser me had absolutely no money to do anything at all. No money= No fun= live life broke and sad.

           So I had to get my ass off my couch and find a job. Who knew finding a job would be harder than actually working! (At least i think so) The first job we went to apply for was a scam (“priemier pure”, go research it). I should have known that the pay ($90/day) was too good to be true sighh.
             Then we went into any random shop in somerset, orchard, and cineleisure. We applied allllllllllll the forms in the world. None of them called us back. We emailed our resumes to all the companies we found on None of them called us back. The only ones interested in us to arrange an interview were: Manhattan portage, starhub call center, overnight suntec bookfair and technical officer.
           Manhattan portage interview was interrogative and she was really strict. She wasn’t very happy that I want “too many” off days (25 dec for christmas and 7 dec for illumirun only) and also was very bias against people without job experience. She said she will call me back on monday if I get the job. Starhub made us go tai seng for an interview after applying at recruit express at bishan. We took this grammar test (I questioned my english ability) and they interviewed us as a group. (Smart Charis didn’t know it was an interview because they seemed to  just be having a conversation with us). They said they’ll call us back too, but I think I may not get the job because they said this is the first time someone without job experience signed up for their job. (Oh no, not the job experience card again) Overnight suntec city confirmed hongleng and I already, but it is just for 3 days. At least the pay is good though. I just hope I can stay awake on days where I have a job in the morning! The technical office job was so desperate for three of us, but it required us to take public transport to deliver atm machines and set it up. Hmmmm… didn’t sound very appealing, and the pay was lower than other jobs we tried for.
             I am screwed if all of them reject me. Which means I have to start from square one sigh. Good Luck to us man.
p.s: please don’t put a “hiring” sign if you don’t intend on hiring anyone even before any interview!

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