Tuesday 11 December 2018

How Messaging Apps Are Outperforming Social Media Apps

With the advent of messaging apps, the way people use social media has undergone a drastic shift. These days, users all across the world log onto messaging apps not only for chatting with friends but, also for searching products, connecting with brands and watching content. Gone are the days, when they were just simple add-ons to your smart device used for exchanging pictures, messages, GIFs and videos.

Scope of Messaging Apps
Though, their invention occurred because of some different intended purpose, however, instant messaging applications serve a range of purposes these days. Being a basic element of almost every smartphone, they are transforming the way of digital communication between brands and consumers. Following here are some of the potential aspects that shows how they are overtaking social media apps in terms of utility.

A Dynamic Marketing tool
The shift from social media networking to messaging is one of the biggest changes in the world of Internet culture. Consumers consider these as more enclosed compared to social media. Thus, with the help of instant messaging apps, marketers can directly reach into the chat boxes of customers. A number of global brands are focussing on experimenting with these opportunities to boost the level of Individual Conversions.

A Virtual Space for Video Calling
Enterprises are using messaging apps as an integrated collaboration tool. They offer a range of functionalities including ease in setting up, audit trail, security level which, surely overtake the potential of social media apps. Online video communication backed up by HD audio, screen sharing or video clarity are very helpful for enterprises. They help enterprises to gather a number of people in a single video call. While having access via mobile, they can connect from anywhere and work as a team, thereby preventing physical presence to act as an obstacle.

A Customer Service Portal
Customer service is getting more personalised with these apps. Many businesses are building AI based ai chat bot to respond customer queries easily. Furthermore, many customer service providers can use them for upselling, arranging meetings and even attending to customer queries via IM ai chat bot.

A Global Learning Centre
The route to higher learning for students has become easier with instant messaging apps. Many universities are using them for helping students to prepare assignments and connect with teachers. Furthermore, custom-built apps help students to improve relationship with teachers and accelerate the learning process.

The possibilities of growth with messaging apps are endless. With their expanding scope of usage, we believe it will open a whole new dimension of opportunities for businesses of all sizes and marketers in the near future.

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